Tuesday, July 24, 2012Why Buy Business Insurance?
Insurance is a provision of protection against uncertainly. Nothing in this world is guaranteed, and many unexpected things happen every day. When it comes to business insurance, you may need to protect yourself against many things you can think of, such as financia... READ MORE >>
Wednesday, July 18, 20121. Raise your deductible Raising your deductible is one surefire way to lower your monthly homeowners insurance premium. As one of our insureds put it: “The more loss you’ll pay, the less your insurance will cost. Raising your deductible from $250 to a thousand dollars could slash your premium by 10 to 30 percent. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, June 12, 2012Great news for those who are automated and want to pay their bill with Anderson Insurance. You can now visit our website at www.andersoninsurancebrokers.com and pay your bill! It's easy and the payments get logged in immediately. Just click the tab "Make a Payment" and the system walks you right through the process. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, June 6, 2012Many small and mid-size businesses go without Workers Compensation insurance because they fear the cost of a policy. With medical and hospitalization costs rising over 17% per year it may be worth re-evaluating this thought! For example, recently a client's office worker was opening a can of soup in the office kitchen. READ MORE >>
Friday, May 25, 2012 Memorial Day 2012 In honor of those who have died in our nation’s service. READ MORE >>
Monday, May 21, 2012The State of Illinois has been cracking down on uninsured drivers, drivers with suspensions, accidents without insurance and multiple tickets. In these circumstances, the State of Illinois requires the driver to have a Financial Responsibility filing or SR-22. Even if you have auto insurance you are required to have a filing. READ MORE >>
Saturday, May 5, 2012Happy Cinco de Mayo!!!Anderson Insurance Brokers READ MORE >>
Friday, May 4, 2012Anderson Insurance Brokers has many forms of life insurance. Looking for term, we got it. Looking for Whole life, we got it. Looking for Universal life, we got it. Give us a call at #630-681-8000 or #773-588-3500. We can write your life insurance in Illinois, Wisconsin, or Indiana. READ MORE >>
Friday, April 20, 2012Happy Earth Day to all our friends, policyholders and colleagues!Remember to recycle, conserve energy and pick up any loose trash you might see. READ MORE >>
Friday, April 13, 2012Trucks! Trucks! Trucks! We want to insure them! We have excellent insurance markets and Companies for all types of trucks1 So, if you own a business and need a truck policy, go no further. We have markets for just some of these types of trucks: Long and Short Haul Tractor Trailer READ MORE >>
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