Anderson Insurance Blog: boat insurance
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Thursday, April 18, 2013Flooding can create extremely dangerous driving conditions for drivers and their cars on roadways. Anderson Insurance Brokers advises drivers to prepare themselves and their car. Drivers are advised to monitor weather conditions, "If it is not safe to travel and you don't have to travel, don't drive. READ MORE >>
Monday, April 8, 2013Many people do not like to buy auto insurance because they think it is a waste of money, when in reality it can save you money! Most states, including Illinois require all drivers to have auto insurance. If you are caught driving without auto insurance the citation can be up to $2,000. READ MORE >>
Monday, April 8, 2013Just a friendly reminder to our insurers, fans and followers! if you have not gotten your taxes done, the last day to file is Monday, April 15th. So go visit your accountant and get those done! A great way to use the extra money is for your insurance, and we can help you with any of your insurance needs here at Anderson Insurance Brokers. READ MORE >>
Saturday, March 30, 2013Being that is it Easter weekend we want to wish out customer a Happy Easter to our clientele. Also it marks the beginning of family gatherings and griling season approaching. With this special events will be happening and if you need insurance for special gathering for one day we have acoverage for that. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, February 20, 2013Here are some ways to save money on your Home, Renters or Condominium Insurance to make it more affordable. Make sure if you have these items that you let your agent know as it can save you up to 20% off your existing rates: + Anti Theft Discoount if you have an alarm + Smoke Detectors READ MORE >>
Wednesday, April 4, 2012Now that boating season is upon us, you have one-stop-shopping at Anderson Insurance Brokers. Whether you keep your boat at home or at your lakehouse in Wisconsin or Indiana, we can insure it! READ MORE >>
Tuesday, February 21, 2012Anderson Insurance Brokers is now able to quote Auto and Home Insurance in the state of Wisconsin. If you have a summer home in Wisconsin. We can write that! If you have a motorcycle stored up in Wisconsin. We can write that! If you have a vacant home up in Wisconsin. We can write that! READ MORE >>
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